Our Mission

At Parhai360, we believe that books are not just a source of knowledge but also the best companion in solitude. Reading has the power to bring positive changes to one’s life. That’s why we have made it our mission to share educational resources with pure intentions to benefit students and readers. All the materials on this platform are available for free and are shared solely for educational, research, and dissemination purposes.

These books and resources are already available on the internet and have been collected from various platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and other websites. By providing them here, we aim to preserve these valuable materials for future generations. However, please note that they should not be used for any financial or material gain. If anyone wishes to use these books for purposes like mobile apps, audio, or video formats, they must contact the original author or publisher for permission. The rights to these books remain with their respective authors and publishers, and all materials are shared in their original form.

Our goal is to introduce readers to a wide variety of books while also promoting the work of the authors and publishers. If you find a book that you like, we encourage you to purchase it from the publisher or bookstore to support the authors.

Suggestions for Readers:

If you are serious about your studies, we recommend using physical books instead of e-books or PDFs. Reading on electronic devices can be distracting and may not offer the same focused experience as a physical book. Support the authors and publishers by purchasing their books, which will help you benefit fully from your studies.

Removing Your Content:

Some publishers and authors have directly contacted us to share their books, while others were obtained online and are shared here. If any publisher, author, or writer wishes to have their book removed from our platform, please reach out to us, and we will promptly remove the content.

Adding New Books:

We are continuously adding new books and resources to our collection. To stay updated on the latest additions, visit our website or check our app on the Play Store regularly.


We share books from different schools of thought, and it’s important to note that we do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content of any particular book. We are not responsible for the content of the books, as they are the responsibility of their authors. These materials are provided for informational and research purposes only.

Share with Friends:

A significant amount of time and effort has gone into creating and maintaining this platform. If you find our resources helpful, please share them with your friends and consider leaving us a 5-star review on the Play Store. Your support encourages us to continue this work. Please keep the publishers, authors, and everyone involved in this project in your prayers so that this effort may serve as a source of goodwill and blessing for all.

Contact Us:

If you wish to publish your book or have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to contact us. We are always open to new ideas and resources that can benefit the educational community.